Sankarakripa Center for Integrative Research and Medicine 

Better health naturally

What we aim through

Sankarakripa Arogya Nikethanam

​A holistic way to preserve and Improve health

Ayurveda defines the disease as a disharmony of Dosha (three in number) and other elements in a person. There are various physical, mental, and spiritual reasons for this disharmony. So understanding a disease is understanding the person with physical, mental, and spiritual plains of existence. It's a continuous process that cannot be completed in a very short period. We need to have this approach to enable a cure. Treatment becomes successful only when Vaidya can enter deep into the consciousness of a person, like a philosopher or a yogi. Otherwise, it becomes only management of the illness at a physical level.

We aim to give a holistic treatment aiming at the complete cure of the illness, along with mental and spiritual well-being. With the moderate facilities we have,  in this village environment, we intend to enable energy flow that allows the mind to stay healthy and calm. Proactive sessions during the treatment allow you to connect with nature. For spiritual well-being, one can follow one's own beliefs or can follow what we suggest.

When it comes to treatment we have to either bring the increased or decreased dosha back to balance or expel the toxic element from the body. This elimination of dosha is done through Panchakarma. Concerning the procedure chosen, the treatment may extend from 7 days to 21 days. During consultation and stay, there will be many sessions with our doctors that will allow them to understand your problems in-depth and will enable them to give suitable suggestions for your health concerns.

Along with Ayurveda medicines, we do use various kinds of homoeopathic medicines also, as and when needed. Our aim is your well-being in the best possible way.

We do help to cure ...

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